
March 19, 2020

Tech Stack

Here is the list of the core technologies used on this project:

  1. NextJS
  2. ReactJS
  3. MDX

In the beginning, there was a thought

Been developing for a while now and I still haven't build my own website until now. What was stopping me before is that I always wanted it to be "perfect" but having realized that there is no such thing as that I immediately open up my browser and searched for figma and did some wireframes there to conceptualized my ideal website.

Be S.A.D

  1. Simple
  2. Accessible
  3. Dynamic

During the process

There were a lot of iterations I have to go through merely to achieve the feeling of satisfaction. At first I've tried to use some CMS such as contentful and graphcms to manage all of the posts content and site's assets. But I ended up using neither of them and go native instead.

Going native

Here is the thing I didn't know I didn't know before.

Pre-evaluation with Babel

I've used babel-plugin-preval and babel-plugin-macros by Kent C. Dodds to pre-evaluate my node scripts here is a sample snippet from the source code below:

// getMarkdowns.js
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
function getMarkdowns(from, linkPath) {
const META = /export\s+const\s+meta\s+=\s+(\{(\n|.)*?\n\})/;
const DIR = path.join(process.cwd(), from);
const files = fs.readdirSync(DIR);
const markdowns = => {
const name = path.join(DIR, file);
const contents = fs.readFileSync(name, 'utf8');
const match = META.exec(contents);
if (!match || typeof match[1] !== 'string') {
throw new Error(`${name} needs to export const meta = {}`);
const meta = eval('(' + match[1] + ')'); // eslint-disable-line
return {
path: `/${linkPath}/${file.replace(/\.mdx?$/, '')}`,
}).filter(meta => meta.published).sort((a, b) => new Date(b.publishedAt) - new Date(a.publishedAt));
return markdowns;
module.exports = getMarkdowns;
// posts.js
import preval from 'babel-plugin-preval/macro';
const from = './pages/works/posts';
const linkPath = 'works/posts';
module.exports = preval`
module.exports = require('./getMarkdowns')("${from}", "${linkPath}");

Woah!, Yea I know this is a bit too much to take but do you see the preval function below under posts.js? this is the magic that make my life so much easier. Because the problem here is that I need to dynamically get a list of all .md files from my file system using nodejs and display it on the client side or front-end. Anyways I'm making this project open source so you can check it out on github and please do not hesitate to tell me if you have found a problem. I'm very open for your feedback I found it so helpful to improve my works.


You don't need your site to be perfect. Just go on and start with your most simple idea and refine it as you go component per component.

Last takeaway I would like to share is that iteration are good only if you have enough time. This can help you decide which tools is the most suitable for the project that you're building. And lastly remember to ENJOY.
